Drawing upon our vast and practical plumbing experience and qualifications, Casotti Plumbers, has the skills and ability to provide significant input to your plumbing designs and sanitary layouts for your construction or developments. Our understanding of the plumbing section of the Building Code of Australia (National Construction Codes) and relevant Australian Standards and Regulations enable us to provide you with accurate initial design information for your projects. Our input will be invaluable in saving you time in gaining a building consent and ultimately money through correct information.
In many instances tender documents, we found that designs and specifications information is not compliant to the Building Code of Australia (National Construction Codes) and relevant Australian Standards and Regulations. When tendering companies remained quiet with the hope of variation cost appended to their contract, you can expect cost creep and increase.
Our service may be provided as a once of or ad-hoc consultancy or even on a design fee proposal structure, we can also assist you with either hand drew drawings for a cost effective alternative to full CAD design. We can work closely with your consulting engineers as a product specifiers.
Also, we are in a position to provide you with on-site investigations, undertaking mandatory inspection of water and drainage systems and provide you with a report on whether the proposal matched all conditions of existing services, inverts of drains and analysis of clients' requirements.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need advice on your plumbing queries? Casotti Plumbers will be happy to assist no matter what the question.